A must-see for women! What Causes Swollen Feet? Introducing prevention methods

Nov 03, 2020
Do you suffer from symptoms such as "my feet are swollen in my shoes in the evening" or "my feet are swollen and tired"? Swollen feet can get worse if left untreated. Find out what causes swollen feet and treat it to prevent it from getting worse. In this article, mamian, a women's shoe expert, will introduce you to the causes of swollen feet and how to deal with them.

What is the mechanism of leg swelling?

Edema, medically called edema, is caused by the accumulation of fluid under the skin. Since the human body is made up of 60% water, if the water in the body concentrates in the lower body, it will naturally swell. If you notice dents when you press your finger against the skin, or marks when you remove your socks, you may have swelling.

Causes and prevention of swollen feet

Swelling of the legs has a situation and cause that is easy to get up. Here are some of the causes of swollen feet and how to treat them.

Remaining in the same posture for a long time

If you continue to take the same posture for a long time, the blood flow will be poor and your feet will be more likely to swell. In particular, the legs are far from the heart, and blood flow tends to stagnate. If you are sitting for a long time due to desk work, get up and walk or stretch from time to time to use your leg muscles. If you can't stand up, we recommend doing exercises that you can do while sitting, such as rotating your ankles and moving your fingers.

low leg muscle mass

Weak leg muscles can lead to swollen legs. Blood flows through the legs against their weight to the heart, so weakened muscles reduce their pumping action, resulting in poor blood flow. Women are said to swell more easily than men because they have less muscle mass. If you don't have a habit of exercising on a regular basis, start walking or playing sports to use your leg muscles. You can also increase the opportunities to use your leg muscles in your daily life, such as "walking instead of using the car when going out to the neighborhood" or "using the stairs instead of using the elevator".

drinking too much water

Some women drink a lot of water for the purpose of dieting and detoxification, but too much water intake leads to swelling. Also, how you drink water is important. If you drink a lot of cold water at once, it will make you feel cold and reduce blood flow. In addition, drinks containing caffeine should not be consumed in excess as they act as a diuretic.

body is cold

When the body gets cold, the blood style gets worse, which leads to swelling. Avoid spending long periods of time in overly air-conditioned rooms or cold places. However, it is often not possible to adjust the room temperature in places where many people gather, such as companies and schools. Prevent your body from getting cold by carrying a haori on a regular basis and avoiding exposure as much as possible. Instead of just taking a shower, take a leisurely soak in the bathtub. If you have time, massage your feet or use a shower to stimulate your calves to improve circulation.

affected by female hormones

In women, bloating can be caused by hormones. Before and during menstruation, the secretion of luteinizing hormone decreases, making swelling more likely to occur. Be careful not to suffer from lack of sleep or lack of nutrition, and keep a regular life. Also, be careful not to drink too much or eat too much salt.

have some illness

Some medical conditions can also cause swelling in the legs. There is no need to worry if it is a temporary condition that can be cured by sleeping overnight, but if the swelling is severe or prolonged, consult a doctor at a medical institution.

shoes don't fit

Poorly fitting shoes can also cause swelling. If the inside of the shoe is cramped and you cannot move, or if the hard material hits your foot, you will not want to walk, and you will not be able to move your muscles naturally. In order to prevent swelling of the feet, it is important to choose comfortable shoes that fit your feet.

How to choose the best shoes for your feet

If you can walk in shoes that fit your feet on a regular basis, you can expect to improve the swelling because your feet will build muscles in a well-balanced manner and your posture will improve. For pumps, choose ones that are big enough to fit your finger, but not too big. For sandals, it is said that a smaller size than usual is easier to fit your feet. With any shoe, it is important to try it on on both feet and walk around to see how it feels.

Mamian shoes for women's health and beauty

At mamian, each pair of shoes is made by craftsmen with all their heart, and each pair is both beautiful and comfortable to wear. They are perfect for women who want to wear nice shoes and be particular about their appearance, but don't like shoes that are hard to move and put a lot of strain on their feet. Online orders can be returned or canceled, so you can try them on at home to see how they feel. If you have any pumps you care about, please try it once.

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